Entries by admin-wxc

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IRS begins 2022 tax season and urges extra caution for taxpayers

WASHINGTON — The Internal Revenue Service today kicked off the 2022 tax filing season with an urgent reminder to taxpayers to take extra precautions this year to file an accurate tax return electronically to help speed refunds. The start of this year’s tax season – which takes place earlier than last year’s February 12 opening – signals […]


IRS announces 401(k) limit increases to $20,500

WASHINGTON — The Internal Revenue Service announced today that the amount individuals can contribute to their 401(k) plans in 2022 has increased to $20,500, up from $19,500 for 2021 and 2020. The IRS today also issued technical guidance regarding all of the cost‑of‑living adjustments affecting dollar limitations for pension plans and other retirement-related items for […]


Interest rates remain the same for the first quarter of 2022

WASHINGTON — The Internal Revenue Service today announced that interest rates will remain the same for the calendar quarter beginning January 1, 2022. The rates will be: 3% for overpayments (two (2) percent in the case of a corporation), 0.5% for the portion of a corporate overpayment exceeding $10,000, 3% for underpayments, and 5% for large […]

Year-end giving reminder: Special tax deduction

WASHINGTON — The Internal Revenue Service today reminded taxpayers that a special tax provision will allow more Americans to easily deduct up to $600 in donations to qualifying charities on their 2021 federal income tax return. Ordinarily, people who choose to take the standard deduction cannot claim a deduction for their charitable contributions. But a […]


A 2021 Year-End Checklist for Small Business

Now that it’s officially in the 4th quarter of 2021, your clients will likely seek your advice about what needs to be accomplished before year-end. Accounting tasks aside, you can help guide them to wrap up their businesses’ compliance and legal responsibilities. The following is a handy checklist to ensure your clients end 2021 in […]

67% of U.S. Businesses Still Negatively Affected by Covid

The United States Census Bureau recently released the results of their ongoing Small Business Pulse Survey. The target population of the survey is single-location businesses with less than 500 employees. The Census Bureau, which began the survey shortly after the Coronavirus pandemic began in early 2020, releases an updated survey with new results weekly. The […]


COVID relief: IRS helps employers wanting to rehire retirees

WASHINGTON — To help address COVID-related labor shortages, the Internal Revenue Service today reminded employers that they generally will not jeopardize the tax status of their pension plans if they rehire retirees or permit distributions of retirement benefits to current employees who have reached age 59 ½ or the plan’s normal retirement age. With the […]

IRS reminds employers to e-file payroll tax returns timely

WASHINGTON — The Internal Revenue Service today reminded employers that the next quarterly payroll tax return is due November 1, 2021. The IRS urges employers to use the speed and convenience of filing the returns electronically. E-filing is the most accurate method to file returns and saves taxpayers time by performing calculations and auto-populating forms and schedules […]