IRS has options to help people who missed the April filing deadline
WASHINGTON — The Internal Revenue Service today highlighted a number of options available to help taxpayers who missed the April deadline to file their 2023 federal income tax return.
To help struggling taxpayers, the IRS has important…

IRS warns against scams targeting seniors
WASHINGTON — As part of continuing efforts to protect the senior community, the Internal Revenue Service today issued a warning about the rising threat of impersonation scams.
These scams are targeting older adults by pretending to be government…

IRS begins 2022 tax season and urges extra caution for taxpayers
WASHINGTON — The Internal Revenue Service today kicked off the 2022 tax filing season with an urgent reminder to taxpayers to take extra precautions this year to file an accurate tax return electronically to help speed refunds.
The start…

IRS Highlights Expanded Depreciation and Expensing Rules
The IRS is highlighting tax reform changes that impact depreciation and expensing for nearly every business. In some cases, these changes allow small business owners and the self-employed to write off the cost of machinery, equipment and other…

IRS finalizes centralized partnership audit regulations
The IRS on Friday issued final regulations (T.D. 9844) that implement the centralized partnership audit regime that now governs partnership audit procedures.
The final regulations affect partnerships for tax years beginning after Dec. 31,…

U.S. Wages See 3.5% Growth
Wages for U.S. workers grew 3.5 percent over the last year, increasing the average wage level by $0.95 to $27.81 an hour, according to the ADP Research Institute®Workforce Vitality Report (WVR) released today. The growth, accelerating to…

How the new tax law affects tax returns next year
The Internal Revenue Service today advised taxpayers about steps they can take now to ensure smooth processing of their 2018 tax return and avoid surprises when they file next year under the new tax law.
This is the first in a series of reminders…