Entries by admin-wxc

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2018 Disaster Preparedness Sales Tax Holiday

The 2018 Disaster Preparedness Sales Tax Holiday was passed by the Florida Legislature and signed into law by Governor Rick Scott. This sales tax holiday begins Friday, June 1, 2018 and extends through Thursday, June 7, 2018. During this sales tax holiday period, qualifying items related to disaster preparedness are exempt from sales tax. However, […]

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Check withholding to avoid tax surprises

The Internal Revenue Service encourages taxpayers who typically itemized their deductions on Schedule A of the Form 1040 to use the Withholding Calculator this year to perform a “paycheck checkup.” People who have itemized before may be affected by changes from the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. Taxpayers who itemize should use the IRS Withholding Calculator to make sure […]

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Businesses Get More Time to Challenge IRS Levies

Individuals and businesses have additional time to file an administrative claim or to bring a civil action for wrongful levy or seizure, according to the Internal Revenue Service. An IRS levy permits the legal seizure and sale of property including wages, money in bank or other financial accounts, vehicles, real estate and other personal assets […]


IRS gives taxpayers relief from erroneous HSA contributions

The IRS announced on Thursday that it is modifying the annual limitation on deductions for contributions to a health savings account (HSA) allowed for taxpayers with family coverage under a high-deductible health plan (HDHP) for calendar year 2018. Under Rev. Proc. 2018-27, taxpayers will be allowed to treat $6,900 as the annual limitation instead of the […]

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The ideal time to review your finances

With the income tax deadline behind them, many Americans are eager to file away their financial records until next year. But experts advise not putting those documents away just yet — now is an opportune time to review them, make any necessary changes, and update your financial plan accordingly. There’s a simple logistical reason that […]

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Americans’ financial satisfaction hits high mark

The AICPA’s Personal Financial Satisfaction Index (PFSi) reached a record high in the first quarter of 2018 — an indicator that Americans are still feeling positive about their financial situation, even despite recent stock market volatility. The PFSi increased 1.5 points (6.2%) over last quarter, reaching an all-time high of 26.1 points. It is up […]

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Many corporations will pay a blended federal income tax

Many U.S. corporations elect to use a fiscal year end and not a calendar year end for federal income tax reporting purposes.  Due to a provision in the recently enacted Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA), a corporation with a fiscal year that includes Jan. 1, 2018 will pay federal income tax using a blended tax […]