Entries by admin-wxc

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Form 1040 to be shorter but with more schedules

The IRS is working on a draft version of the 2018 Form 1040, U.S. Individual Income Tax Return, that reduces the size of the form to two half-pages in length and eliminates more than 50 lines, compared to the 2017 version of the form. The draft form moves many items that in the past have appeared […]

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Law change affects moving, mileage and travel expenses

The Internal Revenue Service today provided information to taxpayers and employers about changes from the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act that affect: Move related vehicle expenses Un-reimbursed employee expenses Vehicle expensing Changes to the deduction for move-related vehicle expenses The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act suspends the deduction for moving expenses for tax years beginning […]

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The Pros & Cons of Working From Home

Job seekers are enticed by work from home options but are aware of the pitfalls, suggests new research from global staffing firm Robert Half. More than three quarters of professionals surveyed (77 percent) said they are more likely to accept a job offer if there’s the possibility of telecommuting at least some of the time. […]

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Check withholding soon, avoid another one next year

Taxpayers who owed additional tax when they filed their 2017 federal tax return earlier this year can avoid another unexpected tax bill next year by doing a “paycheck checkup” as soon as possible, according to the Internal Revenue Service. The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, the tax reform legislation passed in December, made major changes […]


Tax credits help offset higher education costs

Taxpayers who pay for higher education in 2018 can see tax savings when they file their tax returns. If taxpayers, their spouses or their dependents take post-high school coursework, they may be eligible for a tax benefit. There are two credits available to help taxpayers offset the costs of higher education. The American opportunity credit […]


New Rule for Sales of Clothing and School Supplies

SPECIFIC REASONS FOR FINDING AN IMMEDIATE DANGER TO THE PUBLIC HEALTH, SAFETY OR WELFARE: Section 54 of Chapter 2018-118, Laws of Florida, authorizes the Department of Revenue to promulgate emergency rules to implement the provisions of the law specifying a period during which the sale of certain clothing and school supplies are exempt from sales […]

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How the ‘Hollywood Model’ of Work Could Change HR and Accounting

The gig economy is changing the way companies do business, which means it’s also changing the way human resource managers and accounting professionals do their jobs. One of the biggest shifts has to do with what HR Daily Advisor calls the “Hollywood model” of work—a concept that is becoming increasingly popular among employers and job seekers. Defining the […]


It’s Never Too Early: 5 Tips to Get Kids Started with Retirement Planning

It’s a whole new world for recent college graduates entering the workforce. Their priorities have changed; now bills, rent, and student loans lead their monthly list. Retirement planning ranks low as a priority for many young people in the early stages of their careers. About two-thirds of Millennials have nothing saved for retirement, according to […]

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A new playing field for business

The Supreme Court’s decision on sales tax collection could give smaller companies that rely on in-store sales a better chance to compete with virtual retailers. For years, many shoppers in the United States had a choice: buy from an in-state retailer and pay state taxes on their purchases, or buy from an e-retailer based outside […]