WXC Corporation Doral Miami

Don’t wait to file: IRS encourages taxpayers with filing extensions

WASHINGTON — The Internal Revenue Service is encouraging taxpayers who have yet to file their 2021 tax return – including those who requested an extension of time – to file a complete and accurate return electronically as early as possible…
WXC Corporation Miami Doral

Tax Time Guide: Use the Where’s My Refund?

WASHINGTON — The Internal Revenue Service reminds taxpayers today that the fastest and easiest way to check on tax refunds is by using the Where's My Refund?  tool on IRS.gov or through the IRS2Go mobile app. This year, more than ever…
WXC Corporation Doral

Expanded tax benefits help individuals and businesses give to charity during 2021

WASHINGTON — The Internal Revenue Service today explained how expanded tax benefits can help both individuals and businesses give to charity before the end of this year. The Taxpayer Certainty and Disaster Tax Relief Act of 2020, enacted…
WXC Corporation Doral Miami

Double-check for missing or incorrect Forms W-2, 1099 before filing taxes

WASHINGTON — With some areas seeing mail delays, the Internal Revenue Service reminds taxpayers to double-check to make sure they have all of their tax documents, including Forms W-2 and 1099, before filing a tax return. The IRS reminds…

IRS adds six more forms to list that can be signed digitally; 16 now available

WASHINGTON — On August 28, the IRS announced that it would temporarily allow the use of digital signatures on certain forms that cannot be filed electronically. Today, the agency added several more forms (PDF) PDF to that list. The…

IRS reminds taxpayers who filed an extension that the Oct. 15 due date approaches

WASHINGTON – The Internal Revenue Service today reminds taxpayers who filed an extension that the October 15 due date to file 2019 tax returns is approaching. Taxpayers should complete their tax returns and file on or before the October 15…
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Jan. 31 filing deadline to file independent contractor forms

WASHINGTON — With just a few days remaining until the deadline, the Internal Revenue Service reminds employers and other businesses that January 31 is the filing deadline for submitting wage statements and forms for independent contractors…

IRS provides tax inflation adjustments for tax year 2020

WASHINGTON — The Internal Revenue Service today announced the tax year 2020 annual inflation adjustments for more than 60 tax provisions, including the tax rate schedules and other tax changes. Revenue Procedure 2019-44 (PDF) provides details…

Treasury, IRS Announce Development of Postcard-Size Form 1040 for 2019

Washington— Delivering on the promise to simplify taxes for the American people, the U.S. Department of the Treasury and the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) today announced that Americans will be able to fill out their individual income tax…