Entries by admin-wxc


IRS reminder: Deadline postponed to July 15 for those who pay estimated taxes

WASHINGTON – The Internal Revenue Service reminds taxpayers that estimated tax payments for tax year 2020, originally due April 15 and June 15, are now due July 15. This means that any individual or corporation that has a quarterly estimated tax payment due has until July 15 to make that payment without penalty. In response […]


Keep Economic Impact Payment notice with other tax records

People who receive an Economic Impact Payment this year should keep Notice 1444, Your Economic Impact Payment, with their tax records. This notice provides information about the amount of their payment, how the payment was made and how to report any payment that wasn’t received. For security reasons, the IRS mails this notice to each recipient’s last known […]


Department of Revenue Extends Due Dates for Certain Corporate

Tallahassee, Fla. – Department of Revenue Executive Director Jim Zingale issued an emergency order to extend filing deadlines for certain Florida corporate income tax (CIT) payments and returns. Order of Emergency Waiver/Deviation #20-52-DOR-003 extends the following due dates: For entities with a fiscal year ending December 31, 2019: The May 1, 2020, due date for Florida CIT returns is […]


IRS enhances Get My Payment online application to help taxpayers

WASHINGTON – The Internal Revenue Service today announced significant enhancements to the “Get My Payment” tool to deliver an improved and smoother experience for Americans eligible to receive Economic Impact Payments. The enhancements, which started last week and continued through the weekend, adjusted several items related to the online tool, which debuted on April 15. […]


Treasury, IRS unveil online application to help with Economic Impact Payments

WASHINGTON – Working with the Treasury Department, the Internal Revenue Service today unveiled the new Get My Payment with features to let taxpayers check on their Economic Impact Payment date and update direct deposit information. With an initial round of more than 80 million Economic Impact Payments starting to hit bank accounts over the weekend and throughout […]


Treasury, IRS release latest state-by-state Economic Impact Payment figures

WASHINGTON –The Treasury Department and the Internal Revenue Service today released updated state-by-state figures for Economic Impact Payments, with approximately 130 million individuals receiving payments worth more than $200 billion in the program’s first four weeks. “We are working hard to continue delivering these payments to Americans who need them,” said IRS Commissioner Chuck Rettig. […]


IRS extends more tax deadlines

WASHINGTON — To help taxpayers, the Department of Treasury and the Internal Revenue Service announced today that Notice 2020-23 extends additional key tax deadlines for individuals and businesses. Last month, the IRS announced that taxpayers generally have until July 15, 2020, to file and pay federal income taxes originally due on April 15. No late-filing […]


Economic impact payments: What you need to know

IR-2020-61, March 30, 2020 WASHINGTON – The Treasury Department and the Internal Revenue Service today announced that distribution of economic impact payments will begin in the next three weeks and will be distributed automatically, with no action required for most people. However, some seniors and others who typically do not file returns will need to […]


Relief from Penalty for Failure to Deposit Employment Taxes

Notice 2020-22 provides a waiver of additions to tax for failure to make a deposit of taxes for employers required to pay qualified sick leave wages and qualified family leave wages mandated by the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (Families First Act) and qualified health plan expenses allocable to these wages. This notice also provides a […]