Entries by admin-wxc


Make sure withholding is right on 2023 paychecks

WASHINGTON — The Internal Revenue Service today suggested taxpayers who filed or are about to file their 2022 tax return use the IRS Tax Withholding Estimator to help update the amount of tax to have taken out of their 2023 pay. The IRS says now is a good time to use this online tool. The Tax Withholding […]


Time running out to claim $1.5 billion in refunds

WASHINGTON ― The Internal Revenue Service announced today that nearly 1.5 million people across the nation have unclaimed refunds for tax year 2019 but face a July 17 deadline to submit their tax return. The IRS estimates almost $1.5 billion in refunds remain unclaimed because people haven’t filed their 2019 tax returns yet. The average […]


IRS issues renewed warning on Employee Retention Credit claims

WASHINGTON — The Internal Revenue Service today issued a renewed warning urging people to carefully review the Employee Retention Credit (ERC) guidelines before trying to claim the credit as promoters continue pushing ineligible people to file. The IRS and tax professionals continue to see third parties aggressively promoting these ERC schemes on radio and online. […]


Tax Time Guide: IRS provides easy access to tax refund status

WASHINGTON — The Internal Revenue Service reminds taxpayers that the Where’s My Refund? tool on IRS.gov is the most convenient way to check the status of 2022, 2021 and 2020 tax refunds. IRS2Go, the mobile app, offers another way for users to check their refund status. Information for the most current tax year filed is generally available within […]


Important details to understand when the IRS might contact a taxpayer

WASHINGTON — The Internal Revenue Service reaches out in multiple ways to educate taxpayers while ensuring it fairly enforces the nation’s tax laws. There are important factors to keep in mind about when the IRS may initiate direct contact with a taxpayer. For people who owe taxes, the IRS provides many different payment options to […]


IRS warns of scammers using fake charities to exploit taxpayers

WASHINGTON — On day five of the annual Dirty Dozen campaign, the Internal Revenue Service today urged everyone to be on alert for scammers using fake charities to dupe taxpayers, especially following major disasters. Whether an earthquake or wildfires, good-natured taxpayers rally to help victims after an emergency or disaster by donating money. Unfortunately, scammers often try […]


Tax Time Guide: Things to consider when filing a 2022 tax return

WASHINGTON — With the 2023 tax filing season in full swing, the Internal Revenue Service reminds taxpayers to gather their necessary information and visit IRS.gov for updated resources and tools to help with their 2022 tax return. This news release is part of a series called the Tax Time Guide, a resource to help taxpayers file an accurate tax return. […]


Taxpayers can now upload more documents to IRS

WASHINGTON — The Internal Revenue Service announced today that taxpayers who receive certain notices requiring them to send information to the IRS now have the option of submitting their documentation online through IRS.gov. This new secure step will allow taxpayers or their tax professional to electronically upload documents rather than mailing them in, helping reduce […]